New Seasons inevitably bring new starts

Tulips in Central Park

When the temperature warms and the spring flowers start blooming, it’s seems as if the whole earth is screaming it’s time for a do-over. It doesn’t seem to matter how gray and ugly things get by the end of winter, in my observation, spring makes things either beautiful or it shines a light on it’s potential for beauty through change.

This year I find myself wanting a little bit of a do-over myself.  As I find myself  contemplating the things I’ve allowed to go dormant in my life, I am hopeful that a little life change of my own might bring forth a different kind of beauty.

With just a few minutes, a pen and blank piece of paper I could come up with a very long list of changes I want but if I strike out all the meaningless, superficial things I would change like the color of my kitchen, the color of my hair, the clothes in my closet, temporarily change my scenery to a beach locale, I’m left with some hard choices.  The most obviously needed change is my health and not insignificantly, my weight.

I’ve sworn never to ever again go on a diet.  I’ve succeeded at almost every diet I seriously attempted. At least for awhile.  And then I gained it all back and then some.  I’m glad I never kept a written record because if I looked at the grand total of pounds I’ve lost in my life I’d probably have a stroke and I don’t need another health concern to add to the list!    Something’s gotta give.

I don’t need Dr. Oz or Oprah to tell me more about weight loss.  I know what I need to know: burn more calories than you consume.  Genius.   So in order to exercise more, I’ve got to figure out how to do it without pain.  While I’m seriously doctor averse and have always been skeptical/terrified of chiropractors, I made an appointment to see if something can be done so I can exercise without chronic pain. One I figure the pain out, we can figure out the exercise plan.  If he can do something about my headaches, that’d be awesome  too!  Step one.

As for the consuming less calories part of the equation, I threw out the ‘bad food’ and went shopping for all the foods I already know I should be eating. I picked up healthy food for breakfast, healthy snack options for the office, stuff to make my own lunch, fruits, vegetables, fish, etc.  No secret weapons unfortunately.  I refuse to use the ‘D’ word but there’s gotta be a change in my relationship with food!  Something’s gotta give and if it’s not this, it’ll be my health, right? Step two.

If the books and the tv talk shows are to be believed, right motivation  is key to successfully navigating this change.  Well, in that regard mine is a simple one.  I no longer have the naive notion that if I lose weight I’ll find myself a new life complete with adoring husband who loves the new beautiful thin me and children who would need the lithe, energetic me to chase them around our beautifully manicured backyard. Evidently, it wasn’t motivation enough even then. Now that I’m older and wiser or at least more realistic, I simply want to be able to live the life I have fully.  I want to be able to take care of myself as long as it’s within my power and I’m pretty sure walking up two flights of stairs without being winded is part of that.  I want to be active and able to enjoy my friends and my family for the days that I am given; however many that may be.  Yes, something’s definitely got to give because the road I’m on won’t take me there.

The catch is that starting  change is always the easy part.   Following through is another matter entirely.  Especially for people like me. But excuses don’t bring change.  Talking about things or typing about them don’t bring change either. Only one choice at a time will.  So here goes.  Something is gonna give.

What kinds of tricks do you have to share to with me to help me stick with it and dare I say it, once and for all get to a healthier state?

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4 Responses to New Seasons inevitably bring new starts

  1. Patti Lucas says:

    Hire a personal trainer….such as Nolan. Seriosly, if you are looking for one, Nolan is certified now 🙂 I don’t know if that is what you are wanting to do but contact Nolan if you are.

    • amabry says:

      If I find the extra $$ in the budget, I’ll keep him in mind. It’s always funny to me that being on a d, err, I mean trying to eat healthier and smarter costs soooo much more money!

  2. Rachel says:

    I am no expert in losing weight but after I gained 50 lbs of “baby weight” (funny the baby only weighed 7lbs), I had the hardest time getting it off. I was eating healthy and going to the gym but the weight wasn’t budging. I went and saw a nutritionist and she put me on an eating plan that got me back down to my pre-baby weight (I still had lots to lose before Mason) and then I lost 20lbs more. Here are my favorite snacks/foods that helped me get there. NOTE: This isn’t a temporary diet plan. I still eat these foods almost every day. 🙂
    Breakfast- Banana and EAS protein shake (purchase at any grocery store.)
    Snack- Apple/ Think Thin bar (health food section of Kroger or Publix)
    Lunch- lo carb turkey wrap with veggies and laughing cow cheese
    Snack- 2 Turkey sausage links and 7 mini rice cakes
    Dinner- Grilled Chicken, 1 cup brown rice, 1-2 cup veggies.
    My biggest issue was figuring out the kind of foods to eat that were easy to eat on the run. I didn’t have a lot of time to make stuff and attend to a newborn and I HATE to cook! I got into a routine of going to the gym everyday. Workout classes became my new obsession and now I have lot of friends in class that keep me accountable and notice when I’m not there. I will say the food part (for me) was 85% of the battle. It’s definitely a struggle and it’s not easy but totally worth it in the end to feel healthy. Good for you!!

    • amabry says:

      Thanks Rachel. I’m going to steal some of your helpful nutritionists suggestions! Yeah for you for losing the weight while taking care of an infant! That’s impressive! If you can do that surely I can eat brown rice. I may have to work my way up to that!

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